Group Tutoring
Group tutoring is available virtually or in-person.
You may enroll with a pre-selected group, or ask to be matched with a compatible group.
To ensure quality instruction, enrollment for group sessions is limited to a maximum of 10 students per group.
What’s included in the group tutoring courses:
Individualized attention and tracking to address specific learning needs.
Expert guidance and instruction from a certified math teacher with extensive group teaching experience.
Peer collaboration and group discussions for deeper understanding.
End-of-session summaries for the parent.
Homework Help for students outside of tutoring hours!
Guaranteed confidence in math!
Available to clients in Morgan Hill, CA
10:00am - 4:00pmWednesday:
10:00am - 12:30pmOnline
Available to clients worldwide
10:00am - 3:00pmWednesday:
10:00am - 12:30pmThursday:
10:00am - 4:00pm- Additional times may be available upon request -
Single-sessions on the weekend may be available. Please inquire if interested.
Weekend rate: $75/hour
Ready to start your tutoring journey?
Have a question about the schedule?
Send us an email!